• Mentions légales
    • Dedication
    • Epigraph
    • Acknowledgements
    • Introduction
      • Tragedy
      • Timespan and method
      • Main sources and literature
      • The heart of the matter
    • Chapter I Rescuing five students
      • Five prisoners in Lyon
      • Two new rescue attempts
      • Bribing the French king
      • Calvin’s private action
      • The Inquisitor at work
      • Calvin deep in trouble
    • Chapter II Harassing Calvin and his adherents
      • Servetus’ inconvenient arrival
      • Ridiculing the ministers (overview)
      • The polarization
      • The Enfants of Geneva
      • Explosive situation
    • Chapter III Change in Servetus’ behaviour
      • Politeness in Vienne (overview)
      • New interrogations in Geneva
      • Initially keen politeness (overview)
      • From a gentleman to a street fighter (overview)
      • Most hostile against Calvin (overview)
      • Down with Calvin
    • Chapter IV Council’s new way and backlash
      • Noticeable entry in the Acts
      • Berthelier’s frontal attack
      • Combining forces
      • The consultation
      • Calvin mobilizes support
      • The mission of Geneva’s Treasurer
    • Chapter V The basics for the consultation
      • Calvin’s “Sententiae” (overview)
      • Servetus’ “Responsio” (overview)
      • Calvin’s “Brevis refutatio” (overview)
      • Geneva’s official request
      • Servetus in dire straits
      • Servetus’ desperate reply
    • Chapter VI First weeks of Geneva’s trial
      • Servetus brought to Court
      • Main points of accusations
      • First interrogations
      • In Calvin’s presence
      • Servetus’ trial a State’s affair
      • Calvin at a distance
      • Other implications
      • The 30 articles (overview)
      • Servetus’ answers (overview)
    • Chapter VII Impasse, answers of allies and outcome
      • Why Rigot’s aggressiveness?
      • Servetus brought down (overview)
      • 38 new accusations (overview)
      • Requests from Vienne
      • The outcome of the consultation
      • Idle waiting and guesswork
      • Capital punishment
    • Chapter VIII General outlines
      • Calvin not the mighty potentate
      • Gradual disclosure of facts
      • Up-to-date interpretations
      • Calvin’s book
      • Zurkinden’s criticism
      • Whose initiative?
      • Protestants too burn heretics?
      • To impress Roman Catholics?
    • Chapter IX Parts played in the trial
      • The Council’s trial
      • Faction-ridden Geneva
      • Calvin’s close friends
      • Calvin not his own master
      • His last talks with Servetus
      • Servetus
      • The falsification
    • Abbreviations
    • Bibliography
    • Index of proper names
    • Contents
The Servetus case. An appeal for a new a…
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Van Stam, Frans Pieter.
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Genève: Librairie Droz, 2016

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Cahiers d’Humanisme et Renaissance
Frans p. van Stam
An appeal for a new assessment
11, rue Massot

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